Friday, November 7, 2008

A Blank Slate

I have no idea why I think this blogging thing is a good idea. For one, I have a sneaking suspicion jumping on the bandwagon now is a little lame. Then, there's my inability to focus while simultaneously trying to accomplish about a dozen different tasks. The altruistic goal is to share highs and lows of diabetes. (Bad pun - my daughter hates it.) But I'm just going to power through this and say why the hell not and caveat the whole thing by saying I likely don't have much smart commentary or helpful information to share on the medical front. Plus I like to write ridiculous stuff. So here goes.

For my first entry, I'll call attention, by way of Stuff White People Like #113 Halloween, to an old favorite story of mine. [Cue some grandma music here...] My best halloween story took place as a sophomore in high school when my parents were conned into dropping my friend and me off at 6th Street in Austin. Kerry dressed up as Hester Prynne, complete with the bonnet and a Scarlet A. We somehow managed to attract the attention of a wildly cute, but majorly intoxicated Frat boy, who honest to God stumbled around and slurred, "I know you...I know who you are...You're LESTER HEN."

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