Thursday, August 13, 2009

Does Healthcare Ever Cross Your Mind?

Ah…the healthcare “debate.” When I think of debates, I envision civil, enlightened discussions where many facets of an issue are smartly discussed. Maybe over a Sam Adams with a toast to our founding fathers. What’s going on right now is more of a Health Care Town Hall Cage Match between crazy people and gassy-looking legislators. But I digress from my real point…

I’m always a fan of taking a particular thought that just pops into my head and throwing it out there for discussion. I may be wrong and my logic might be flawed or inconsistent with my typical philosophy. Oh well.

Honestly, in this case, the subject just makes my head hurt so much that there’s only so much deep thought I can give it. Here’s the deal: We use public funds, both federal and state, to protect our borders (military) and protect our cities and property (police and fire departments), right? And we are generally mandated to carry insurance on our vehicles for the monetary protection of the banks (unless your car is paid off) and the general public we may run over, right?

But my daughter’s life – for the rest of her life – is far more endangered by a lack of access to affordable healthcare and medicine than she is endangered by the statistical likelihood of a house fire.

We use taxes for fire departments that provide physical protection for our population at large. Please tell me how healthcare is different? Frankly, I’d rather know with an absolute guarantee that she’ll have access to exactly the kind of diabetes care she receives today for the rest of her life and take my chances with St. Catherine, smoke detectors and a water hose.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dog & Butterfly

If only! Worked in the garden for a big part of the day yesterday. Things actually grow here. Things that aren't lantana, purple sage, red yucca and rosemary. Things with big, pretty flowers that come back year after year. This is quite new to me. But the pests! I don't have to worry about rattlesnakes, which were prevalant at the old place, but here's a little laundry list of what I'm battling this year: rabbits, chipmunks, japanese beetles, odd mold, violets on steroids and mushrooms of every nasty texture and color.