Saturday, January 24, 2009

Camelots in my Kitchen

There is blue sky visible today - quite a change from the last few weeks. The sunlight shining in through the windows highlights with no uncertainty the fact that my house needs a good scrubdown. So this morning after coffee, I put the Jimmy Buffet Live at Fenway in the Bose, unleashed my inner clean freak and got to work. (Side note - Brad and I were at that show in 2004 and saw Pedro pitch and Scott Kazmir's Fenway debut the next night. It wasn't pretty. I think TB hit a homer off Petey's first pitch of the game.)

Skip forward to second cup of coffee. I'm sitting at the bar looking out the window and spacing and I notice the two black and white framed photos that are on opposite sides of my dining room windows. The one on the left is a photo I took in Hyannisport of boats at the pier. The one on the right is a gorgeous photo of a snowy park in Chicago at night with skyscrapers in the background. Just an interesting coincidence to note...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One-worder is really two words...

More fun with memes, courtesy of the boss. This one requires one word answers. And that just goes against my nature.

1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? home
3. Your hair? blonde
4. Your mother? facebooker
5. Your father? sweet
6. Your favorite thing? babybooks
7. Your dream last night? Flexeril
8. Your favorite drink? Champagne 'n Chambord
9. Your dream/goal? happykids
10. What room you are in? study
11. Your hobby? writing
12. Your fear? evil
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
14. Where were you last night? YMCA
16. Muffins? FIRE!
17. Wish list item? Type1DiabetesCure
18. Where you grew up? Austin
19. Last thing you did? cook
20. What are you wearing? gymgear
21. Your TV? Bravia
22. Your pets? Siamese
23. Friends? sure
24. Your life? blessings
25. Your mood? goofy
26. Missing someone? SistahTara
27. Car? TL
28. Something you’re not wearing? chiponshoulder
29. Your favorite store? JCrew
30. Your summer? Narragansett
31. Like someone? usually
32. Your favorite color? turquoise
33. When is the last time you laughed? tonight
34. Last time you cried? Hmmm?
35. Who will resend this? unsure
36. One place that I go to over and over? Fenway
37. One person who emails me regularly? stepdad
38. My favorite place to eat? Smith&Wollensky
39. Why you participated in this survey? whynot?
40. What are you doing tonight? homework

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Nurse Will See You Now

Massachusetts has been floating a proposal to combat obesity because it is a drain on public resources (agreed) and as part of this plan, wants to mandate BMI testing of all public school children. Whoa Trigger.

Hey - I've been accused of a liberal bent, but this is sending even me into fantasies of fortifying a shack in the hills and assembling a militia.

Department of Health Commissioner John Auerbach states, "no parent need worry that their child will be teased as a result of the process." My immediate response is that he must living on another planet. I'd like to hear how they plan to marry this with the school counselors' Anti-Bullying curriculum, which is also big in Texas. (No pun intended - but it's a good one, huh?)

Now, lets set jokes aside about my adopted state's reputation as a somewhat out of touch commune. Am I overreacting here? Because the idea of my kids having to line up for body fat measurements in school strikes me as an invasion of privacy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day by Day by Day

Three new things we learned today. Or last Monday, to be exact.

To increase the Levemir - by 3 units. Seems like a huge jump, but it has made a big difference.

To inject Novolog prior to eating. OK - who knew? Maybe we missed this during the hospital instruction or perhaps it was inferred or maybe it is a law of the universe and clear to everyone that only idiots would calculate the carbs and dose after the meal. Anyway, this is apparently a key to tighter glucose control and I'm a little torqued that we somehow missed this for almost 2 years. Anyway, yes - this works much better, too.

My kids are wicked smart. That does not mean that just because they can perfectly understand what I tell them or teach them that they need maximum knowledge. In trying to teach Miss R about insulin resistance or the need to care for her feet, I am putting too much on a fragile 11 year old psyche. Our Joslin counselor said, "I think you have to look at the big picture, but she's not ready for that. She only needs to be thinking about how to manage her most recent blood check." Schooled. And thank goodness.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Carb Free: This Rice is an Alright Vice

Now that Jim’s in the Hall and we had a Joslin appointment yesterday, this seems like a perfect time to reprise blogging, which is apparently tracking the same as my workout habit – feast, then famine.

While Remy and Don rule the booth, Rice is the greatest sports commentator behind the desk. This guy is a bonafide star. His analysis is sometimes surprising, sometimes funny and the fashion is second to none. Oh, and apparently he was quite a moonshot hittin’, green monster mastering left fielder, too. (I love those crazy left field hitting machines.) Having spent his entire career with the Sox and continuing with the team in various roles since retirement, I predict we’ll see #14 hanging soon in Fenway. Congrats to the baseball writers for finally getting this one right.

And though Reagan’s attention span is more suited to Nick sitcoms than 9 innings of baseball these days, she definitely has a memory suited to players and stats, past and present. She was about 8 when she watched Fever Pitch and piped up, “Hey, there’s Jim Rice!” Proud moments in parenting…