Monday, January 19, 2009

The Nurse Will See You Now

Massachusetts has been floating a proposal to combat obesity because it is a drain on public resources (agreed) and as part of this plan, wants to mandate BMI testing of all public school children. Whoa Trigger.

Hey - I've been accused of a liberal bent, but this is sending even me into fantasies of fortifying a shack in the hills and assembling a militia.

Department of Health Commissioner John Auerbach states, "no parent need worry that their child will be teased as a result of the process." My immediate response is that he must living on another planet. I'd like to hear how they plan to marry this with the school counselors' Anti-Bullying curriculum, which is also big in Texas. (No pun intended - but it's a good one, huh?)

Now, lets set jokes aside about my adopted state's reputation as a somewhat out of touch commune. Am I overreacting here? Because the idea of my kids having to line up for body fat measurements in school strikes me as an invasion of privacy.

1 comment:

cameracrazy said...

No way would I want my Reagie and Shannon subjected to such an indignity!!!