Friday, November 21, 2008

Numbers Then Deuteronomy

My new hobby is reading and learning from diabetes blogs. Along with the massive amount of information on current research, trials and breakthroughs, there is generally measured but hopeful talk of a cure. But sometimes I come across writing by parents of diabetic children and I can sense the swirling eddy of fear just under the surface. What if a cure doesn't come in my child's lifetime?

Eighteen months ago, had someone asked my view on having a child with a chronic, life-threatening condition, I would have shuddered. "God that's just too awful to contemplate." Now, I know it's awful and around the clock I think about it, try to manage it and do my absolute best to lessen its burden on her body and mind. The thought that there may not be a cure for her is just one of many too awful things to entertain.

So I think I'm like a lot of parents who supress all these fears, tamp 'em down and keep them from bubbling up too often. After all, you just cannot live without hope. It's impossible; hope and faith. It may be a long, hard dusty row to hoe, but even if it takes forty years I really do think we'll finally see the promise.

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