"If not detected early enough in a child, the disease can be fatal or result in serious brain damage. Yet diabetes in a child is often completely overlooked: it is often misdiagnosed as the flu or it is not diagnosed at all. Every parent, school teacher, school nurse, doctor and anyone involved in the care of children should be familiar with the warning signs and alert to the diabetes threat."
I cannot stress enough that if there's ever any suspicion of diabetes, get to a doctor immediately. My daughter had all the warning signs - thirst, exhaustion, weight loss and frequent bathroom trips. I even thought to myself, "Hmm...this kinda seems like the warning signs for diabetes." What I didn't know is that the day that occurred to me, I should have taken her to a doctor. Reagan's DKA was severe and it took considerable effort on behalf of the pediatric ICU to stabilize her. Kids may not look sick, don't really feel sick - just yucky. But they can be extremely, dangerously ill. It is not unheard of for a child to die of DKA.
Know the warning signs, take them seriously and spread the word. Insulin is not a cure, but it will save a life.
Well put Sister. Keeping up with Type 1 Diabetes is a big chore and your doing such a great job at it :) knowing so much of diabetes; maybe you can come down and teach my diabetes module?! I hope everyone is doing well, tell Reagan hello for me and Shannon Happy B-day for me, last but not least Brad, tell him hello as well, don't work him to hard in the Boston Winter...BRRRRR:)
Love James
You cannot know how many times I have grieved over not paying enough attention to what was happening with Reagan on the day previous to her being admitted to PCU. I knew something was wrong the night I first saw her at the airport!
As her Nana, and...EEKS...a nurse that should know better than to be in denial of what is in front of you, I should have triaged and done better! IT IS UNFORGIVABLE TO BE IN SUCH A STATE OF DENIAL!!! So don't beat yourself up unless you put me right alongside!
I am just thankful for the way this has gone and she is now getting the best that is offered in the field of JD. You are to be lauded for educating yourself and seeking the best of the best for our Reagan!!
Much Love, Mommy aka Nana
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