Between product launches and NESN, the garden and the grill, just when is a girl supposed to write? (I ask that rhetorical knowing my friends Jane (@kovacsjane for twitterers) and David (@dbschlosser) would have all kinds of excellent suggestions. Seriously, they’re phenomenally dedicated.)
Now, I don’t think I get SAD in the winter here in New England. And I know for a fact I would be sad to have to live in TX again, despite all my nice friends and family there… So it’s not that I’m a so-depressed-I’ve-got-to-share-my-angst-with-the-world-in-the-dead-of-winter writer. I think it’s more an issue of being easily distracted.
And my topics of choice – let’s see – the Sox are not really providing any juicy material. Record is good, some excellent games and individual performances here and there, but I’m not seeing the fire and brimstone raining down on opponents. Having Remy out of the booth is a diminishing factor in the televised games, for sure. The rest of my Sox thoughts can be very easily summed up: the Lugo days are likely behind us, Penny is not nearly as shiny as Theo must have thought, I’m warming up to Nick Green, and I’m kind of obsessed with the fact that Jacoby’s at bat song is Let it Rock.
We’re in a doldrums with the big D. I find a tremendous amount of guilt with the fact that I’m simply not wired and our schedule isn’t amenable to serving meals at precisely the same time every day (despite trying very hard to get close to a routine) and that’s something that seems like it would be a big positive for her A1C. She has started working out like an Olympic athlete and that is definitely helping the sugar levels and making her feel empowered. So that’s actually a step in the right direction.
But mainly the summertime here is just so unbelievable, the weekends truly feel like a vacation and after work you just want to go sit outside because you can, if for no other reason. It’s hard to stay at the computer any longer than necessary. I’m distracted now sitting by my open office window. My daylily garden needs a bit of clean up and it looks like there may be some nice new rose blooms ready to come inside and find a vase. And I think I’ll go check that out before rousing the kids to get ready for the beach.
1 comment:
You said:
"She has started working out like an Olympic athlete and that is definitely helping the sugar levels and making her feel empowered. So that’s actually a step in the right direction."
Yes, that is a very big step in the right direction. Best wishes.
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