To increase the Levemir - by 3 units. Seems like a huge jump, but it has made a big difference.
To inject Novolog prior to eating. OK - who knew? Maybe we missed this during the hospital instruction or perhaps it was inferred or maybe it is a law of the universe and clear to everyone that only idiots would calculate the carbs and dose after the meal. Anyway, this is apparently a key to tighter glucose control and I'm a little torqued that we somehow missed this for almost 2 years. Anyway, yes - this works much better, too.
My kids are wicked smart. That does not mean that just because they can perfectly understand what I tell them or teach them that they need maximum knowledge. In trying to teach Miss R about insulin resistance or the need to care for her feet, I am putting too much on a fragile 11 year old psyche. Our Joslin counselor said, "I think you have to look at the big picture, but she's not ready for that. She only needs to be thinking about how to manage her most recent blood check." Schooled. And thank goodness.
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