More fun with memes, courtesy of the
boss. This one requires one word answers. And that just goes against my nature.
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? home
3. Your hair? blonde
4. Your mother? facebooker
5. Your father? sweet
6. Your favorite thing? babybooks
7. Your dream last night? Flexeril
8. Your favorite drink? Champagne 'n Chambord
9. Your dream/goal? happykids
10. What room you are in? study
11. Your hobby? writing
12. Your fear? evil
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
14. Where were you last night? YMCA
16. Muffins? FIRE!
17. Wish list item? Type1DiabetesCure
18. Where you grew up? Austin
19. Last thing you did? cook
20. What are you wearing? gymgear
21. Your TV? Bravia
22. Your pets? Siamese
23. Friends? sure
24. Your life? blessings
25. Your mood? goofy
26. Missing someone? SistahTara
27. Car? TL
28. Something you’re not wearing? chiponshoulder
29. Your favorite store? JCrew
30. Your summer? Narragansett
31. Like someone? usually
32. Your favorite color? turquoise
33. When is the last time you laughed? tonight
34. Last time you cried? Hmmm?
35. Who will resend this? unsure
36. One place that I go to over and over? Fenway
37. One person who emails me regularly? stepdad
38. My favorite place to eat? Smith&Wollensky
39. Why you participated in this survey? whynot?
40. What are you doing tonight? homework